Our Community

Welcome to the next chapter of your life where everything is built around your neurodivergent brain and not the other way around. 

The Accountable Otters Club

Where neurodivergents *finally* get a community that kicks burnout to the curb and prioritizes you while centering real self-care.

Tell me if this rings a bell…

  • You struggle to reach your goals because you ping-pong between hyperfocus and burnout

  • You have so many ideas that you want to pursue but are challenged by indecision and task paralysis 

  • You feel anxious because you fear failure, but at the same time also fear success

  • You find yourself pushing too hard for too long and getting overwhelmed by all the commitments you’ve made

  • You’ve tried motivation techniques and even read a dozen books on productivity, but none of them really stick

  • You owe your greatest accomplishments but also your greatest failures to ADHD and wonder if there’s an in-between

  • You’ve become a perpetual people pleaser and find it difficult to set boundaries for yourself

  • You’re tired of holding yourself to neurotypical standards 

No surprise there.

As neurodivergents, we often set ourselves up to fail because 99% of advice was made for the neurotypical brain. 

And I’m here to change that. 

Ever heard of the spoon theory?

It was originally coined by Christine Miserandino to help explain how people with chronic illness or disabilities have a VERY limited amount of energy per day. 

Simply put it’s this:

Spoons = Energy

Most of our current routines don’t take into account that we may have fewer spoons to start and that certain tasks may require more spoons than expected.

So, if you want to approach life from a place of compassion and self-care, instead of burnout and hustle culture….

Your energy level should *always* be a factor in determining what type and how many tasks you should take on.

Accountable Otters Club

It’s time to stop living life the neurotypical way. 

Get otterly accountable with our neurodivergent community by learning how to weave in burnout prevention, create routines that support your unique self, and center self-care while still making progress towards your goals.  

So how does the membership actually work?

Accountable Otters Club
will help you thrive through…

Community Space

Community is at the core of this membership. The AOC will be facilitated inside a private Circle group that’s designed for you to create meaningful friendships and connect with people that *actually* get you. Your membership can be easily accessed either through your web browser or the Circle app, so that you can get the accountability you need on the go. 
(Value $1000)

Weekly Office Hours w/ Izzie

As neurodivergents we often struggle with sticking to a task which is why every Thursday, you’ll get the chance to body double with me, Izzie! so you can receive support from both myself and the group. 
(Value $600)

Daily ROMP and RAFT spaces

Inside the AOC we classify our days in two ways: ROMP (action day) where we see our goals turn into task lists or the bite-size things we need to accomplish to make meaningful progress. And RAFT (rest and reflection days). Regular RAFTing is the highlight of burnout prevention, allowing you to recuperate without guilt.

To ensure that you have a balanced ROMP and RAFT week, you get daily ROMP and RAFT spaces where you get that neutral external accountability to either go through your task list or receive a gentle reminder that it’s time to rest. 
(Value $400)

Member-led Body Doubling

The AOC is designed for you to thrive. Many members feel called to lead a body doubling sessions themselves. With a scan of our multiple body-doubling events, you can see how committed our community members are.
(Value $300)

Neurodivergent Admins

All of us are neurodivergent in some form, flavor, or fashion. We manage the community to make sure that your experience inside the AOC is consistent with our values and your goals.
(Value $400) 

Regular P-A-P Sessions

At the core of this membership is accountability without burnout, so I’ll be hosting what I call "proceed-adjust-pivot, or “P-A-P” sessions. Through my signature flow chart, we’ll look over the progress you’ve made and assess whether you should continue, adjust your expectations,  or pivot. 
(Value $150)

You also get these AOC bonuses that will help you build a life without burnout:

Weekly Guided Journaling

Mindfulness is everything, which is why every Monday you’ll get RAFT and ROMP guided journaling prompts that I’ll be adding into their respective spaces. You’ll receive 3 thought-provoking questions that you’ll want to answer for yourself to help you set the intention and get the momentum going for your week.
(Value $150)

Learning Hub

Once you join, you’ll get immediate access to our first training - the AOC formula, which goes in-depth on how to center your goals on wellness, accountability, accessibility, and honesty. Four more webinar recordings available as well, with more coming. 
(Value $99)

Accessible Book Club

No pre-reading required in our Accessible Book Club! We take our time reading chapters TOGETHER to help keep that pressure and guilt at bay. Some great discussion is had following each meeting.
(Value $89)

ROMP and RAFT Downloadable Planner Templates

My mission is to help you take action without feeling burnt out which is why you’ll also receive monthly, weekly, and daily downloadable planner templates to help you implement the AOC formula in your day-to-day life.
(Value $29)

If you’re looking for 1:1 support alongside the membership, you have the chance to upgrade to a limited number of VIP membership spots where you get…

Bi-Weekly meetings with Izzie

Twice monthly you get 45-minute accountability sessions with me, where we can deep dive into your ROMP and RAFT planning together. You also have your own private space inside the community plus unlimited virtual check-ins during office hours.  
(Value $329)

Hi fam!

I’m Izzie.

I truly believe that small steps create big changes which is why I created the AOC formula. 

The AOC formula is unlike any other goal-setting and productivity program because it is designed with boredom-busting and burnout prevention in mind so you can *truly* build a life on your own terms. 

I help neurodivergents create a sustainable lifestyle and achieve their goals without burnout.

Whether you’ve been following me for a while now or you’re meeting me for the first time, you're likely here because you’re searching for an environment where you can learn how to thrive and navigate your neurodivergent brain. 

I see you, because I am you.

I went through a difficult neurodivergent burnout in the summer of 2021.

It was so much more than anxious feelings and overwhelm. 

I completely lost my ability to function.

Experienced daily panic attacks.

Paralyzing depression.

Loss of motivation.

Poor productivity.

Seemingly simple tasks like grocery shopping or folding the laundry would send me into a spiral of tears. 

Everything became too much, which made me shut down and hit rock bottom. 

All the roads led me to my ADHD diagnosis.

And it made me realize that by not understanding my limits, energy, boundaries, and time, I would find myself in burnout again.

This is why I created the Accountable Otters Club.

My goal is to share my real-life tested strategies so you can build a way of life that honors you and your boundaries, and bring you comfort in knowing that you have boredom-busting and burnout prevention woven in your day-to-day activities. 

The AOC Formula Breakdown

Be realistic and keep it regular

When planning your day, be mindful of the tasks you can realistically take on for that particular day. This is why AOC encourages a routine that consists of micro-tasks so that you can build your self-esteem and confidence.

Adjust for energy levels

Some days and weeks are very taxing on us as neurodivergent humans. Having these kinds of days consecutively is a surefire way to burn out. What makes AOC so powerful is learning how to respond to our energy levels (hello, spoon theory!) so that you can cultivate a safe place to make progress. 

Remember the Rule of Three

This is where the magic happens. As neurodivergents, we often pinball between extremes. Either we push too hard, for too long or we take too many rest days without any action, ending up at a ho-hum place of boredom. The key to making real progress is keeping the rule of three in mind; no more than 3 ROMP days or 3 RAFT days in a row.

Color code your ROMPs/RAFTs

Did you know that color can evoke certain emotions and feelings? By combining color psychology with the ROMP/RAFT method you are creating an emotional connection with your goal progress. Inside the AOC you’ll get the chance to designate a color of your choice for your ROMP and RAFT days. For example, I've chosen a bright and airy green! Green makes me happy, alive, and prosperous. On the other hand, for my RAFT days I've chosen a peaceful, light blue color. It reminds me of water, gently flowing and carrying me to my goal. Like a raft!

The otters have spoken…

Your Otterly amazing adventure awaits

All-Access Membership

Monthly payments of


  • Neurodivergent Admins

  • Distraction-Free Community Space

  • Riverside Office Hours

  • Member-led Body Doubling

  • Weekly Guided Journaling

  • P-A-P Sessions

  • ROMP/RAFT Daily Planning

  • Learning Hub

  • Accessible Book Club

  • RAFT/ROMP Planners

VIP Membership

Monthly payments of


Everything in the All-Access Membership plus…

  • Bi-Weekly 45-min accountability calls w/ Izzie

  • Private Community Channel w/ Izzie

  • Unlimited virtual support during office hours

If you’d prefer something more financially accessible…

Our Basic or Essentials Membership may be just right for you.

Our most cost-effective option is the $6/monthly AOC Basic Membership:

  • Membership and community engagement in the AOC

  • Neurodivergent admins

  • Text-based accountability in the ROMP/RAFT daily planning spaces

  • A distraction-free environment to get things done

Our best value option is the $13/monthly AOC Essentials Membership:

  • Membership and community engagement in the AOC

  • Club Calendar access w/ unlimited video body doubling

  • DM admins for body doubling requests

  • Neurodivergent admins

  • Text-based accountability in the ROMP/RAFT daily planning spaces

  • A distraction-free environment to get things done


  • Absolutely! Our membership is designed with neurodivergents in mind, but you are welcome to join. AOC is here to guide anyone that needs additional support to ride the waves of change so you can sustain it in the long-run.

  • Your first 2 days inside the membership are free. This gives you the chance to feel out the membership area and also try out our events. If you decide it's not a fit for what you’re looking for, you can get a full refund when you cancel on or before the 2nd day.

  • The nature of the membership and its proprietary knowledge and information keeps me from being able to give refunds. I recommend giving it a solid try for at least a quarter (3 months), and after that time, you are free to cancel your membership with AOC.

  • I would love to have you as a member, regardless of the level you decide to join. You are free to switch between membership levels as you see fit, whether that be through financial difficulties or varying levels of support. AOC is designed to help you no matter where you are in your journey.

  • Yes! Choosing a goal and sticking with it is something neurodivergents often struggle with, which is why I’ve designed the AOC with this in mind. The hallmark of the AOC is understanding how to center yourself with your goals as co-creators. It will never be a "thing" that is so far removed from who you are that it feels like it will never come to fruition; it will always be something you realistically and consciously create.

  • Burnout can be taxing both mentally and physically, which is why AOC is designed with burnout prevention and burnout recovery in mind. Inside the AOC, we work diligently to implement strategies and design a lifestyle that best fits your current condition and paves the way to arrive at the condition in which you desire to be.

  • It’s coming soon to the AOC! Once we’ve increased membership to a robust and sustainable level, we can segment groups and provide more focused attention on meeting the needs of small “otter squads.”

  • Yes! Some of the most satisfied members of the AOC are college students! The AOC is built to provide external, neutral accountability that isn’t your parents or professors. By encouraging you to weave in both burnout prevention and boredom-busting strategies into your daily life, you’ll be able to reach your goals sustainably, whatever they might be.

  • Absolutely! I’m a neurodivergent business owner with over a decade of experience in taking care of yourself, your business, and your customer at the same time. The hallmark of the AOC is its ability to equip you with tools that will help you transition smoothly from one goal to the next, in both business and life.